"Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
would call anarchy"

Who said I was normal? Normal for norte america Yes,maybe.(just say 'so')

>Explanations of "anarcho" socialism are evasive, euphemistic
>and full of equivocations

I dont remember seeing any,Its usually anarchism or libertarian socialism 
or anarcho-syndicalism Isnt it?

When they go into detail, for
example par-econ, they describe in pleasant sounding words a
system more centralized and authoritarian in form and theory
than Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more
centralized and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was
in actual practice.

I dont recall.Could you cite anarchist stalins and mao's,please?

"before 1936 there were various unclear,
confused, self contradictory, but undeniably sincere
proposals as to how to implement anarcho socialism"

Such as Italian factory occupations?Malatesta who predicted ww2 as ww1 
started was confused? What you say may be true but does it apply to 
Unclear,confused, self contradictory, but undeniably insincere seems to 
apply to someone.

disaster struck. They actually had a go at it, with entirely
predictable results.  The contradiction between socialism and
anarchism was demonstrated with the usual rivers of blood.
Some became disillusioned.  Some reinterpreted their now
inconvenient past positions as standard socialism. "

Disaster struck for many reasons and it was not all as grim as the stories 
you put on the web.You could cite many more sources on your site that you 
wont thus letting people get away with questioning your honesty and 
motives.I simply agree with those that call you a liar on Spain(you also 
have useful stuff elsewhere, so not being a dead loss)

The anarcho-capitalism you and tim seem so fond of would not survive long 
without all the instruments of state repression backing it up.How long 
would NIKE last in an anarchist world? McDonalds? Monsanto?

Thanks for responding,see you at the 'punks.         matthew  proffr  taylor.

Ive just unpacked my PGP but have yet to read the user manual.The intro by 
phill is cool.Dig sig pending.

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