>>Libertarians like the folks at the Cato Institute are hardly 

My beef with them is the money they take to lie.Ive given some examples in 
the last few days that you may have been to busy to respond to.Many  so 
called 'libertarians' are social 

 >>Getting rid of laws prohibiting prostitution, gambling, obscenity,
indecency, prostitution -- these are conservative positions? <<

There are 2 prostitutions? The worst prostitution is not bodily,its taking 
money to tell lies.The kind jamesd tells.The kind the cato institute 
retails and many intelligent people such as you get suckered by.Larry 
flynts probably done a million times more than the cato shills ever did in 
these areas.Plus they are practically unenforcable online.Window dressing.

 > are either with us or with them.<me.>

 >>Yeah, you and George W. Bush. Good example to follow.<<

Polarisation is a nasty business,yet sometimes shit happens.This list may 
have to choose soon between use of the words anarchy and punk and some 
others more in line with the circle of eunuchs approach of the CALCers.
Lenin stole anarchist slogans and rode them to absolute power,a dictatorial 
murderous terror state,based on lies,no anarchist can ever let that happen 
again.Will ever let happen again.And getting back to your libby pals...
http://world.std.com/~mhuben/cato.html  where theres smoke...

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