At 12:22 PM 12/16/2001 +0100, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Steve Schear wrote:
> > During your "rant" on re-mailers I mentioned the desirability of using
> > popular P2P services in conjunction with remailers, possibly as middleman
> > nodes.  Len pointed out the problems with re-mailer system stability if P2P
> > clients were used as they come and go.  During the break there was a short
>P2P nodes are ephemeral, the content is not. A short message hop from node
>to node is in the second range. Assuming the message doesn't sit on the
>node too long (running danger of it being pulled) and there are multiple
>redundant messages in transit (you wanted more idle traffic? here's is
>your idle traffic) the probability of delivery should be higher than the
>current remailers'.
> > discussion of using the P2P clients to generate cover traffic on
> > remailers.  This should be simple and involve no risk to those running the
> > clients.
>Ask Google for XML-RPC and Freenet and/or Mojo Nation.

I worked with Jim on Mojo, so I have some first hand experience.  The P2P 
systems I was referring to are the current popular crop (e.g., LimeWire and 
Morpheus) since they have the largest and broadest user populations.


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