I suggest that the author of this insulting piece of nonsense go into
any decent library and pick up a book on the 18th & 19th century
agricultural revolution. Or read any standard account of the life of
Louis Pasteur. Inorganic fungicides, pesticides and herbicides go way
back, scientific study of them comes in in the second half of the 19th

As for whether "so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around
since the late 1800s." that sort of depends on how you define them.
Trust me, I'm a botanist :-) (or maybe even a microbiologist these days
if I pull my fingers out & get started on that PhD project)

Ken Brown

Anonymous wrote:
> cubic-brain drooled:
> > Herbicides have existed a hell of a lot longer than 50 years, even
> > so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around since the
> > late 1800s.
>     Total, absolute, unadulterated bullshit! You must work for the
> feds to be able to lie that baldfacedly. There were no agri-chemicals
> before WWII. They tried using asenic as an insecticide early on, but
> gave up on it rather quickly. At any rate, there were certainly no
> herbicides before WWII.
>   Sounds like the chem lab experiments you did in high school did
> a number on your forebrain.
>   Or maybe you can give us a cite?

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