On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Ken Brown wrote:

> I suggest that the author of this insulting piece of nonsense go into
> any decent library and pick up a book on the 18th & 19th century
> agricultural revolution. Or read any standard account of the life of
> Louis Pasteur. Inorganic fungicides, pesticides and herbicides go way
> back, scientific study of them comes in in the second half of the 19th
> century.  
> As for whether "so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around
> since the late 1800s." that sort of depends on how you define them.

Okay, busted. 
That stuff doesn't really fit the test of "modern".
That's what I get for overstating.

> Trust me, I'm a botanist :-) (or maybe even a microbiologist these days
> if I pull my fingers out & get started on that PhD project)
> Ken Brown

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