It was a joke, James. "CAACA?" C'mon.... 


> When the US introduced legislation against the communist
> movement, that movement was for the most part centrally
> directed from Moscow, and had as its objective the
> destruction of the USA and its conquest and occupation by the
> Soviet army.
> Similar legislation against cypherpunks is unlikely to
> appeal to legislators, however much it appeals to you.
>     --digsig
>          James A. Donald
>      6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>      YG8pRN2XWUFtPmOyhOvFuf7mvdGxAJmkDpPm+dTR
>      45jULQbZKef/x+h89pKChBxm8cz6ZHrC8pjBJsHai

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