>>Read my post again. My problem was not with folks who want to talk or 
flame on or off topic.

Not replying to posts from me RE you,Peter,leaves you open here.Are you 
scared to respond,Lazy?Hipyocritical?

  >>It is with a person who disregards the entire notion of using the list 
for discourse of any kind.<<

Only if no discourse is entered.Ive responded to all mail directed to me.I 
also have a meat adress.

 >>He posts things to the list (and thus into the archives) simply as a 
storage device - saving him the time and trouble of having to save them to 
disk. <<

Ive explained why I do that,why shouldnt I if I feel Im contributing some 
balance and not exceeding Hard spam parameters.Even the hard spam may be 
usefull,See Spammimic.The fucking P.I.Gs seized my 1st disk Peter,are you 
going to buy me a new one or even complain? Your whinge about CJ left him 
wide open for a repeat Roust.Where is your apology/rationale for that? You 
also come here spamming corporate tripe.Who is the sociopathic jerk here?

 >>He is indifferent to whether anyone else reads them or not. <<

I read them,treasure them and return often.This is a good weblong for me as 
I await trial for advancing crypto-anarchy.
You seem more concerned with flogging security to Chinas Gestapo.Fuck you Trei.

 >>This is abuse of the whole notion of a mailing list as a place of 
discourse. <<

Bushit,I even discourse with low hoes like justine and timmy.

 >>It is a sociopathic disregard for everyone who uses the list as a place 
for discussion and persuasion. It is more contemptable than even spam. 
Peter Trei <<

Trei harder peter,and answer a couple of questions you coward.Your 
contemptible.Why did you out CJ?
Are you a sexist,racist pig like May? Why do you come here as a corporate 
shill for a security company that works hand in glove with one the top two 
terror States?Did RSA lie to sarah Flannery about her algorithm?
Whats the SEC looking at RSA for? Do your bosses know you contribute to 
this list? Would you like me to send them some recent posts from it? Is the 
RSA stock set to go south as people demand ethical investment?
Do you lie and weasel your way around the office as much as you do here?
And when did you stop beating your wife?

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