On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jim, I believe Peter's point, and mine as well, is that posters such as Jei
> and mattd differ by their intent. 

Taking up mind reading? You don't know a damn thing about their 'intent'
only how it makes you feal.

mattd posts drivel, delete it. Jei posts some interesting things.  Either
one alone is more interesting than reading CACL rants about how abused you
are by others speech. [Insert: slow weepy violin music here]

If a distributed systems is to work then it must deal with these sorts of
issues without coercive violence (or isnt' that the CACL canon anymore)?

This is a PERFECT example of why CACL theology is full of crap, it is
obviously self-defeating and not executable under human psychology for the
simple reason that people, ALL PEOPLE, want to spend their time telling
other people what to do so THEY don't have to do anything.

Grow up and quit being a wimp.


                James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com


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