Mr. Soze:

>> Perhaps in the past, but unless you include citizens and their
> government, there has never been a historical period, to my
> knowledge, where people unaffiliated except for their ideology or
> religion "voted" the death of another by proxy.  Should an
> effective AP machanism come into service I would suggest we have
> entered unchartered territory.

>People's war rests on unity of mind. Willy-nilly killing? You fail to
accomplish any people's objective and loose one of your strategic strengths.
I don't think Stalin would think much of this idea, and he would probably be
the guy to ask.

This is not a people's war.  If anything its a war against democracy and an attempt to 
discipline elected officials into obeying their sworn oaths.  You know, the ones they 
rarely obey and are almost never called to account.

>> Ahh... but many/most of those who participate, or wish to, may
> not be whom those in power think.  I suggest that there are many
> who hold secret grudges against those in authority.  They may not
> admit it to others, maybe not even to themselves, but if means
> become available and circumstances demonstrate that they can
> strike with impunity then watch the fun begin.  Like the Krell of
> Forbidden Planet, AP could catalyze an Id chain reaction.

>Ah, the WW I kick-off model. Note: the war for dead boys. Combat is always
subservient to political strategy. AP is subservient to individual will.

Its subserviant to the will of the purses.

>> Something like this happened during the French Revolution.  Many
> citizens, at first, believed that the fault of the tyranny lay
> not with the King but with his ministers and their bureaucracy.
> But as time when on the ax fell on them all as the people
> realized that the evil lay with hereditary rights and all those
> who served this evil purpose could no longer be trusted in
> society.  Paine wrote on this extensively.


Thomas Paine

Personal conflict as a precursor for war is based on the retaliatory cycle
of violence. Traditional: a member of A must kill a member of B. Tribe B
wishes to retaliate, but Tribe A shelters the actor. You lack those

What do you offer? Vengeance, or insecurity and uncertainty? ("Men of the
South, it is better to die on your feet, than live on your knees!" ~Zapata)
Dead bodies do nothing. Aside from encouraging spiraling reprisals, a large
adversary has redundancy in leadership. In the French Resistance, the Front
National *alone* killed 600 Germans -- a month. Revolutions are usually by
martyr. _YOU_ BLEED TO LEAD, not the other way around. Usually.

AP is certainly no tool "for the people." The concept is closest to Mao's
"fundamental" force or primitive warfare. But AP is based on cowardice, not
courage. Division, instead of unity. Criminality, rather than cause. Enmity,
not education. etc. It's "the Greece mistake" no? -- a warning to anybody
that seeks to play on criminal mentality to achieve a social or political

In people's conflict, time is the terrain and tradition the target.

Clandestine warfare is not about "hiding," but "constantly escaping." (I
believe T.E. Lawrence wrote on that extensively.)

What you really escape is not the enemy, but arranged conflict. You break
space to fight in time. Most people see guerrillas yielding territory, and
talk about how they master space and mobility...but, they are
territory-focused. They see "hiding," because they are space-focused. TIME
is their terrain, their tool, and even their terror. The Apaches were time
warriors, they didn't stand their ground -- they stood their time. Terrorism
is "time warfare" with noncombatant targets.

Disperse war through time and space -- and you've hit the American
blindspot. Unbundle and disassociate the actors also, and yes, you might
have something...but now, is that really "uncharted territory?"

Takes Apache to kill Apache.

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