On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Steve Schear wrote:

> I think you're a bit confused by the poor context continuity of the 
> responders.  It was Soze who originally failed to clarify (his?) Paine 
> reference.  Ms. Farr just used that opportunity to add ambiguity or just 
> playfully redirect the thread to her advantage.

There was no confusion, except perhaps on a handful of the CACL
contengents part, who didn't want to deal with the point that was being

If all else fails, baffle them with bullshit...

The reference was to Thomas Paine. The rest of the drivel you folks
spouted off with was subterfuge to change the subject.

A CACL community strawman.


                James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com


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