1963 -- US: CIA Domestic Operations Division created.
"A few years back, a man high up in the CIA name Ray Cline
was asked if the CIA, by its survellance of protest organizations
in the United States, was violating the free speech provision of
the First Amendment. He Smiled & said:
'It's only an amendment.'"
 From the URL...
 >>The key to defeating terrorists, he writes in the book, is to "go out 
and start talking to people" who can see and hear what the CIA cannot.
The CIA needs to let its spies "perform their jobs, no matter how murky the 
swamp is," he wrote.<
Welcome back Aimee the swamp thing.Stay close.
 >all CIA officers are required to sign a statement saying they will abide 
by a ban on assassinations contained in a presidential executive order.<
Before paying some goons in smack and/or weapons to do their dirty work.The 
last 4 presidents have all tried to assassinate people too,they didn't put 
that in.Do as we say not as we do?"The highest ambition of the integrated 
spectacle is
still to turn secret agents into revolutionaries, &
revolutionaries into secret agents."
— GUY DEBORD, 1988
Chilling quotes from State terrorists in China.DUMP RSA STOCK!

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