[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Major Variola ret) writes:

> http://www.nj.com/mercer/times/index.ssf?/mercer/times/02-19-IZAR1IUB.html
> [Ed note: now taking bets on how long after apprehension the suspect
> hangs himself fnord in jail]
> Expert: Anthrax suspect ID'd
> 02/19/02
> By JOSEPH DEE Staff Writer
> PRINCETON BOROUGH -- An advocate for the control of biological weapons
> who has been gathering information about last autumn's anthrax attacks
> said yesterday the Federal Bureau of Investigation has a strong hunch
> about who mailed the deadly letters.
> But the FBI might be "dragging its feet" in pressing charges because
> the suspect is a former government scientist familiar with "secret
> activities that the government would not like to see disclosed,"
> said Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the Federation of American
> Scientists' Chemical and Biological Weapons Program.
> Rosenberg, who spoke to about 65 students, faculty members and others
> at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at
> Princeton University, said the FBI has known of the suspect since
> October and, according to her "government insider" sources, has
> interrogated him more than once.
> The investigation into five anthrax-laced letters and several other
> hoax letters -- all mailed last fall, including several processed by
> Trenton Main Post Office in Hamilton -- was the focus of Rosenberg's
> talk. She also gave her thoughts about what the government should do
> to control biological weapons.
> "There are a number of insiders -- government insiders -- who know
> people in the anthrax field who have a common suspect," Rosenberg
> said. "The FBI has questioned that person more than once, . . . so it
> looks as though the FBI is taking that person very seriously."
> She said it is quite possible the suspect is a scientist who formerly
> worked at the U.S. government's military laboratory at Fort Detrick,
> Md.
> Rosenberg said she has been gathering information from press reports,
> congressional hearings, Bush administration news conferences and
> government insiders she would not name.
> During a brief question-and-answer session after her talk, one man
> wondered whether biological agents truly pose significant dangers to
> the public, given the limited number of deaths and illnesses caused by
> five anthrax-laced letters.
> Without mentioning other biological agents that are far more deadly
> and contagious than anthrax, Rosenberg said the potential for a
> biological attack is "catastrophic."
> Another man wondered if the FBI and other investigators might be
> focusing too narrowly on one scientist, saying, "New Jersey is the
> epicenter of the international pharmaceutical industry," and many
> people in those labs presumably have the skills to handle and refine
> anthrax.
> "I think your argument would have been a good one earlier on, but
> I think that the results of the analyses (of the letters and the
> anthrax in them) show that access to classified information was
> essential," Rosenberg said. "And that rules out most of the people in
> the pharmaceutical industry. . . . It's possible, but they would have
> had to have access to the information," Rosenberg said.
> Picking up the conversational thread, another man said, "People know a
> lot, and it's a question of what they choose to focus their knowledge
> on. Things are invented in parallel," he said.
> -- -- --
> She said the evidence points to a person who has experience handling
> anthrax; who has been vaccinated and has received annual booster
> shots; and who had access to classified government information about
> how to chemically treat the bacterial spores to keep them from
> clumping together, which allows them to remain airborne.
> "We can draw a likely portrait of the perpetrator as a former
> Fort Detrick scientist who is now working for a contractor in the
> Washington, D.C., area," Rosenberg said. "He had reason for travel
> to Florida, New Jersey and the United Kingdom. . . . There is also
> the likelihood the perpetrator made the anthrax himself. He grew it,
> probably on a solid medium and weaponized it at a private location
> where he had accumulated the equipment and the material.
> "We know that the FBI is looking at this person, and it's likely that
> he participated in the past in secret activities that the government
> would not like to see disclosed," Rosenberg said. "And this raises the
> question of whether the FBI may be dragging its feet somewhat and may
> not be so anxious to bring to public light the person who did this.
> "I know that there are insiders, working for the government, who know
> this person and who are worried that it could happen that some kind of
> quiet deal is made that he just disappears from view," Rosenberg said.
> "This, I think, would be a really serious outcome that would send a
> message to other potential terrorists, that (they) would think they
> could get away with it.
> "So I hope that doesn't happen, and that is my motivation to continue
> to follow this and to try to encourage press coverage and pressure on
> the FBI to follow up and publicly prosecute the perpetrator."
> -- -- --
> She expressed disappointment that the U.S. government last July
> decided against signing an international biological weapons treaty
> that would ban nations from developing such weapons.
> "It became clear from congressional testimony that the reason for this
> rejection was the need to protect our secret projects," Rosenberg
> said.
> During the question-and-answer period, one woman said, "I'm not sure
> that I understood you completely, but it seems to me that the United
> States government has a double-standard," of wanting other nations
> to comply with a weapons ban but wanting freedom to pursue its own
> program.
> "I'm totally shocked by this information," she said, sending a wave of
> laughter through the lecture hall.
> "They make no bones about it," Rosenberg replied. "On many occasions
> they've argued that rules should be for the bad guys, not the good
> guys."
> Rosenberg said she worries about an "enormous increase" in money in
> the Bush budget for research into bioterrorism agents. "There is
> already a rush for this funding," she said.
> The number of researchers and labs ought to be tightly controlled,
> she said. Under the current budget proposal, however, she says the
> government will be spreading money around to "a lot more people and a
> lot more laboratories around the country from which bioterrorists can
> emerge, as one just did.
> "By spreading around this access and this knowledge, we're asking for
> trouble.'

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