On Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 09:06  PM, Faustine wrote:
> How ironic, then, that a lot of the most vital, interesting (and truly
> frightening) work on networks and netwars, PSYOPS, surveillance, and 
> the whole
> nine yards is being done by RAND, the very same research institution 
> that
> clued-in the Pentagon the first time around.

Do you _ever_ stop nattering on about RAND? Nearly every other post 
practically licks their boots.

> In 1952 Herman Kahn became involved with von Neumann in the design of 
> the
> hydrogen bomb. To this end, Kahn simplified the Monte Carlo simulation 
> while
> increasing its accuracy. Modeling a hypothetical hydrogen bomb became 
> possible
> as a result. Later in his career, Kahn worked for the government's 
> military
> consultation group, the RAND Corporation.

Stan Ulam was the main guy behind Monte Carlo methods. Giving Kahn this 
kind of credit is comparable to giving Nash the kind of credit for game 
theory he got in the latest Hollywood biopic.

[Rest of Faustine's Choate/Jei-like forwarded article snipped.]

--Tim May
"The Constitution is a radical document...it is the job of the 
government to rein in people's rights." --President William J. Clinton

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