[Note from Matthew Gaylor:  Jack Weigand the owner of Weigand Combat 
Handguns, Inc. and The American Pistolsmiths Guild "1999 Pistolsmith 
of the Year" (view his photo here 
<http://www.jackweigand.com/1999pistol.html>) was recently refused 
business by Dell Computers (800-915-3355) {Dell Computer Corporation 
One Dell Way,Round Rock, Texas 78682} because Dell claimed "it was 
because of the name of [his] business "Weigand Combat Handguns Inc.". 
Because [he's] involved in firearms [he] might be doing something 
illegal."  Weigand is asking that you refuse to do business with 
Dell, a proposal that I intend to honor.  Boycott Dell.   I'm carbon 
copying this message to Seth Finkelstein, who I consider the pit bull 
of the anti-censorware opposition.  And I have a question for Seth- 
Dell's use of the paraphrase comment "illegal purposes" reminds me of 
the various categories that filtering software uses to describe a 
site.  I wonder if Dell didn't run the Weigand site into a filtering 
application to make the decision not to sell one of their computers 
to him?]


Weigand Combat Handguns, Inc.
685 South Main Road  Mountaintop, PA  18707, Phone  570.868.8358, 
Fax  570.868.5218

Addressing the Dell Issue. 2/26/02

This is the letter I posted in a few Firearms Forums and sent via e mail.
This is a true account of my dealings with Dell over the past few weeks.

I am writing this because I feel every Firearms owner should know
this story.

I placed an order for a Dell notebook computer on February 13 on line 
with Dell. I was given a tentative delivery date of February 21st. I 
was watching the order through the Dell on line tracking system; I 
also opted for the automatic email notification of when the machine 
was to be shipped. Well the 21st came and went, I am a Pistolsmith I 
know things can happen. I made a phone call on the 25th, did a voice 
mail message for my salesman to get back to me and I was looking for 
the delivery date. The 25th came and went with no callback.

On the 26th I placed another call this time to cancel the order. 
After a few hours I got a call back, with this amazing reason for the 
delay. It seems someone in Dell had already canceled my order, when I 
asked why I was told Dell was afraid I was going to use the machine 
for illegal purposes. When I asked why someone would think that I was 
told it was because of the name of my business "Weigand Combat 
Handguns Inc.". Because I am involved in firearms I might be doing 
something illegal. Now keep in mind I was never called or informed of 
this decision the order was just canceled. Many of you know me 
personally and know I run my business about as squeaky clean as 
possible. In addition being the President of the American 
Pistolsmiths Guild I am under additional scrutiny as to how I run my 
business, if I am not clean how can I be the President of an 
organization that promotes just that! I was informed by a Dell 
supervisor not long after all of this the reason I was refused was 
because of their post September 11th policy of screening buyers.

I would like to respectfully ask the firearms community to do the 
following. If you intended to buy a Dell and because of this letter 
you do not, email Dell and let them know why. Feel free to distribute 
this account to all you know in the Firearms community, I think they 
need to know. I for one am sick and tired of people assuming just 
because we are involved with firearms that we are doing something 
illegal. I also do not believe Dell deserves our business if this is 
how they intend to treat us.

God Bless
Jack Weigand
American Pistolsmiths Guild Inc.


The above is the only thing I have written. I have written comments 
on email I have received (that number is now in the hundreds). I 
would like to add the following.

I have spoken to Dell today 2/26/02

They informed me that the reason my order was cancelled was due to 
the new post 9/11 screening policy. The word
"Combat" in my company name is what triggered the cancellation of my 
order. The cancellation was triggered automatically. When I asked why 
I was not called to clear this up I was told there was a breakdown in 
communications on Dells part.

Just for the record so everyone knows where I stand.

I have no intention of further dealings with Dell, they don't deserve 
my business.

I want nothing from Dell but I would gladly accept and apology to the 
Firearms community in general.

I posted this expressly to warn firearms owners of Dell policies PERIOD.

There are those that think I did this to generate traffic to my web 
site. All this traffic just made it hard for my customers to shop 
this evening. If you will notice there are no advertisements on my 
web so traffic is not a factor. It has also generated hundreds of 
email that I personally answered. Just so you all know I am not smart 
enough to do a publicity stunt of this magnitude on purpose, LOL!

I would humbly request the following.

Please, please refrain from making personal attacks on Michael Dell. 
I have received hundreds of e mails attacking Mr. Dell, please do not 
do this. This is a business issue not a personal issue, please keep 
it that way. I know we are all passionate about our right to keep and 
bear arms but please be as professional as possible

I thank all of those that took the time to confirm that this story 
was true before spreading it, you all are to be commended!

I thank the Firearms community as a family for being so willing to 
come to my aid.

God Bless
Jack Weigand
Weigand Combat Handguns Inc.

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