Already in (limited but growing) existance...

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi all. Ive been fascinated with the problem of 
> signal to noise for as long as Ive been dinking
> around in internet-cyberspace (now over a decade).
> oldtimers may recall that Ive had many various proposals
> over the past on the list.
> it does seem that cypherpunks has succumbed to
> significant entropy lately, surely partly related
> to the "official" anarchist policies...
> in the spirit of the great cpunk accomplishments such
> as remailers, encryption code etc, I would like to
> talk to any gifted programmers that would like to
> work on a very innovative prototype mailing list system that might
> solve the signal-to-noise problem. this would be an 
> outstanding grad student project if you ask me. 
> experiments in collaborative filtering.
> the basic idea is related to something I call
> a "self regulating network". its never really been
> shown but the internet comes close. basically everyone
> on the network has some say (vote) as to how it is governed.
> this has some related ideas.
> I have some ideas that wouldnt be too complicated to
> code, basically tweaks to a majordomo system to 
> allow some extra out-of-bandwidth info that gets
> passed around, something like a reputation system.
> yes, I could code it myself, but I have other
> projects, I want to contribute design time.
> Id like to run it "extreme programming style", getting
> something up as fast as possible & making tweaks
> & modifications while it runs.
> if it "clicks" I think it could have major implications.
> for example there are now tens of thousands of yahoo
> groups, its a multimillion dollar company. now imagine
> approaching yahoo & selling them proven, tested technology
> for egalitarian managing of mailing lists to maximize
> signal to noise that doesnt require a moderator to babysit
> the mailing list.
> on the other hand maybe there are no longer any
> serious coders on this list.... a pity/shame if
> that were the case. (this is not to imply that
> coders would immediately agree to work on this haha)
> anyway just out of curiousity I'll post this.
> plz email me if you're interested.


                 There is less in this than meets the eye.

                                     Tellulah Bankhead
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                

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