Apart from my recent comments about NoCeM's and on onspool NoCeM
reader, another perhaps simpler idea would be to do it all with simple
CGI stuff and a web archive.  I'm sure this has been discussed before
in the past, but I don't recall anyone actually trying it out:
subscribers would choose how long their messages should be held until
being delivered; and which moderators they want to accept negative
votes for.  Then moderators would read cypherpunks on the web page and
select tick-boxes of messages they thought were junk.

I suspect the weak point would be how many people would read via web,
and bother to vote on articles and so how many moderators you would
expect.  Without someone keeping track of useful
moderator-configuration ratings ("I'll have whatever set of moderators
person X uses" -- to avoid having to keep up to date with currently
active moderators.) it might be a little inconvenient.  Selecting all
moderators obviously wouldn't work -- we've got enough loons that
there would be people trying to moderate all messages.

Are there people who already read cpunks regularly via the web?

(Reading email and mailing-lists via the web always seemed clunky to
me, even on broadband, but there are apparently vast numbers of people
who use only web-email by preference, and to this group presumably a
web archive is preferable to subscribing to a list and reading it's
contents via their web-email account page.)


On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 02:24:21PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [...]
> the basic idea is related to something I call
> a "self regulating network". its never really been
> shown but the internet comes close. basically everyone
> on the network has some say (vote) as to how it is governed.
> this has some related ideas.
> http://www8.pair.com/mnajtiv/spam.html
> I have some ideas that wouldnt be too complicated to
> code, basically tweaks to a majordomo system to 
> allow some extra out-of-bandwidth info that gets
> passed around, something like a reputation system.
> yes, I could code it myself, but I have other
> projects, I want to contribute design time.

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