On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 10:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 10:52 AM 3/31/2002 -0600, Aimee Farr wrote:

> >Coincidentally, I think "Michael Wilson" was the name of the guy who wrote
> the movie script to Lawrence Of Arabia. That Michael Wilson was blacklisted,
> and never received credit for what many viewed as one of the greatest
> scripts of all time.
> You're correct.  IMDB does show him as originally uncredited.  He didn't work much 
>after that.  
> http://us.imdb.com/Credits?0056172 What an ignominious end to a promising career.
> Hollywood can be a star chamber.  They effectively ended his career and livelihood 
>by fiat.
> I certainly would not have taken that lying down.  A bullet in the head of a few 
> execs would have given them something else to think about besides what
> others thought of the Red Scare or what was for lunch at the
> commissary.

Depends on how he looked at it. Either it's destruction, or an
education, and he let it go.  But there were quite a few ways to control
a guy like in olden hollywood days - blacklisting is just one :))))

If I were doing cyber film-noire today, I'd use :

(1) Blacklisting : He's denied access to the studio machine - the
production and distribution mechanisms.  But today, cheap hardware and a
free os eliminate that. No story.  No motive.

(2) Death : you can only kill so many people, and the car off the
mountain road is too obvious. You'd have to use a slow poison instead. 
Boring, unbelievable. 

(3) Hassle. Hassle the shit out of the hero.  Use bizzare seemingly
connected events. Think like Hakim Bey, only backwards. Un-plot-like.

(4) Frame-up.  The classic. Everything else fails and the guy is stuck
up with something he did not do and then locked up for life. Now we're
talkin !

(5) Seductress.   This is of course the most desirable option, yeilding
a productive individual, who will do exactly what you want, when you
want. Sexy !

Combine 4 and 5 for a good plot.

And the elevator pitch :

"So ... the kooks get him to buy a mail-in AIDs test kit somehow.  Maybe
it was by a combination of targeted spam and a girl, just like the guy
liked, y'know, a real sweetie.  Type y'd marry. Young. Make him want to
test. Or maybe she asks him to. Something like that."

"So they intercept the return blood sample in the mail, get his DNA,
contaminate the weapon that supposedly fired the bullets.  Get his
lawyer, too.  Bitch. You know she likes death row cases.  Sweet"

<cough cough>  "I'm sorry Mr Roberts. That's a little too far out for us
today.  We only make family ractives here"



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