At 11:20 PM 4/3/02 -0800, Morlock Elloi wrote:
>> Bomb components, silly. "Everything" was in the "bomb", capiche?
>> usage, as found on the web:
>The point of the exercise was to underline the disinformation content.
If you
>argue this, then you should provide an example of a bomb which has
>acid and sodium cyanide as components. If by "components" you mean
>used in the manufacturing process, than most things around you
>computers) have sulphuric acid as a "component."

(Routers News Service) "Faustine", the false name for an agent
of the Cypherpunks Movement, which has been under surveillance by
the government for some time, was caught today near Federal buildings
driving a mobile platform containing: volitile hydrocarbons equivalent
to several pounds of TNT; sulphuric acid, used to make explosives; lead,
a toxic heavy metal; and various electrical timing elements.  The agent
also had a handheld
two-way radiophone and a computer containing encryption software.

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