On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Faustine wrote:

> >I'm not an expert on this,
> Then why aren't you following your own advice? 

By being not an expert on this I mean I haven't worked excessively with
HCN (I tried smelling it once), nor administered LD50 tests personally.
> If anyone is interested in learning more about CW, a good intro:

Thanks for the links, but I was commenting on HCN, not CW. (No, I'm not an 
expert on CW either, but neither are you, nor anybody on this list).
> Detailed reference works you can dig up yourself. But hey, if you prefer
> to stick to your chemistry 101 books and advice from Uncle Fester, that's
> perfectly fine by me. Just watch out throwing the word "disinformation"
> around, that's all.

While I cannot claim any thorough knowledge of clandestine chemistry, 
chemistry is what I used to do professionally. (Professionally as it what 
stands on my diploma, and what paid for the bills).

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