As a simple illustration of the inability to separate the "Good Guys"
from the "Bad Guys" I use my experiences with my Visa card company. I
use the damn thing to buy gas a few times a week and every so often I'll
use it for a big ticket item like a PC or a Spa for example. At which
time I generally have to spend 20 minutes on the phone with the numbnutz
at the credit company explaining that despite the fact that their SW
tells them I behave like a credit card thief ( testing the card at the
relatively low-risk gas pump then buying a laptop ) I really am the
customer, the card is in my posession and I really do want to use it. I
usually get a warning about my language at which point I am allowed the
priveledge of speaking with some sort of manager. Maybe I am a bad guy
since I curse and almost never carry a credit card balance. Very

I remember that in the weeks post 9-11 Safeway or one of the other
grocery store chains offered to profile customers. What are they going
to do? Question everyone who buys olive oil, chick peas, garlic and
sesame paste? The whole surveillance thing is bound to proceed at
breakneck speed and bound also to be a useless waste of effort. The next
terrorist event will probably be something quite unexpected and not
easily detected.

Oh well, it makes a good discussion topic and a good freak show ( on the
TV news I mean, not here, no freaks here ).


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