"Highly risky and wrong" is one assesment of the groundhogs spittle laced 
declaration of war.Declaring the US in 'mortal danger' like a cross between 
JE Hoover and tricky dickie on speed,the veep dished up some rubber 
platitudes to go with the rubber chicken;he should have remembered that you 
are what you eat.
I trust chicken hawk will be on the next geriatrics menu.Garnish with a 
little valium.
"The monopoly on the decision and action in this question lies with the 
United Nations," said Edmund Stoiber, conservative candidate for chancellor
There seems to be a little mutiny among the 'usual suspects.' The US is 
resembling nothing so much as a pitiful helpless giant,cyclops has been 
gored and the sheep are hiding all those escaping argonauts.If he's lucky 
he may live...for a while.
52 per cent of Labour supporters believe Britain ought not to support any 
military action against Iraq.Thats even slightly higher down here I 
believe,a clear majority against,all the way with the USA.Maybe not,"YANKEE 
go HOME",just yet but it's only been a year so far in the 'war on Terra.'
"Using force or threats of force is unhelpful in solving the Iraq issue and 
will increase regional instability and tensions," Foreign Minister Tang 
Jiaxuan was quoted as saying in Beijing.
Taku Yamasaki, secretary-general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic 
Party, said that Tokyo had a duty as an ally to oppose Washington.
"If the U.S. attacks alone it will produce distrust of the United States 
throughout the world," Yamasaki said. "As an ally, we should oppose this."
India, a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, said its opposition 
to a war on Iraq had not wavered. "There is a consistency in our policy, 
and it is not going to change in the next few days or weeks," a foreign 
ministry official said.
In the Middle East, U.S. foes, or nations branded by Washington as sponsors 
of international terrorism, denounced American threats against Iraq in 
predictably harsher terms.
Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa Mero said his country, along with 
Iraq and all Arabs, would view any U.S. strike as part of "policies that 
seek more U.S. hegemony and to inflict harm not just on the people of Iraq 
but the Arab nation as a whole," Syria's state media reported.
Iran, like Iraq branded by Bush as a member (with North Korea) of an "axis 
of evil," reiterated its opposition to any U.S. attack on Iraq. Iranian 
President Mohammad Khatami urged an "arrogant" Washington to drop its 
hostility and improve ties with Iran, saying his country would defend 
itself if it too came under threat.
"We hope Iraq will not be attacked, and if this occurs we hope that 
(America) will not try its luck by attacking other countries and realize 
that American public opinion will not tolerate this policy for very long," 
Khatami said.
A global Maniac cop running around starting wars will not be long for this 

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