Interview with playwright Harold Pinter - 'I think that when you look at a 
man like our prime minister - who I gather is a very sincere and serious 
Christian - he, we understand at the moment, is considering another bombing 
of Iraq, which would be an act of premeditated murder because if you bomb 
Iraq, you're not just going to kill Saddam Hussein. In fact, you won't do 
that anyway; he has his resources. What you will do, as usual, is kill 
thousands of totally innocent people. How Tony Blair can work that one out 
morally himself is actually beyond me. I just wish he would decide if he 
was a Christian or he wasn't a Christian' ( Guardian )
Is shrub a christian? Inquiring minds etc...
Chief executives should be screened to weed out psychopaths: researcher
Coverage of a recent keynote presentation by psychopathy expert Robert 
Hare, during which he suggested that corporate leaders should be screened 
for psychopathic behaviour disorders
( CP via The Record )
See also this blog entry from earlier this month AT

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