> Better than a radar detector for emissionless, but visible, cops.  Over
> the hill coverage.  Issues of

This will be banned under WIPO and copyright laws - you may enjoy cop's
presence for yourself, but transmitting it is same as broadcasting a live show
without permission - after all, the all information cops emit is "present or
not", so you, in essence, steal 100% of their IP.

Due to a number of various radio equipment that armed people use, and
characteristic signatures, it's often more than enough to listen on several
frequences and match the spectral fingerprint to detect their presence (car
radio, personal radio, etc.)

I think that some radar detectors have this built-in. The main problem is
localisation - each district seem to be using different frequences. Could it be
that They are aware of dangers of the monoculture ?

(of original message)

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