At 01:23 PM 9/18/02 -0700, Morlock Elloi wrote:
>> Better than a radar detector for emissionless, but visible, cops.
>> the hill coverage.  Issues of
>This will be banned under WIPO and copyright laws

Yep.  Won't anyone think of the chiiiildren?

>I think that some radar detectors have this built-in.

Inter-("consumer")-node automatic communication of antisocial
over pirate protocols?   I don't think so.  Yet :-)

I'm suggesting that end-user-configurable RF comp/comm devices are a
step in the development of "consumer" electronics in the us-vs.-pigs
arms race.
Or could be.

Look dude, I'm just porting/downshifting the Rural Optical Signalling
to a blog-like RF mesh network with a better horizon.   You can ignore
those noise
bursts if you like :-)

The main problem is
>localisation - each district seem to be using different frequences.
Could it be
>that They are aware of dangers of the monoculture ?

Frequencies are just bit patterns to a digitally controlled oscillator.
DCOs are agile, dude.

Got spectrum?

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