Title: The Gephardt Report - Extra
  The Gephardt Report

Friday, September 27, 2002

Defend the Country, Not the Party

In an op-ed in today's New York Times," House Democratic Leader Richard A. Gephardt wrote, "there's no denying it. President Bush himself has decided to play politics with the safety and security of the American people."

Gephardt: "If Mr. Bush and his party continue to use the war as a political weapon, our efforts to address the threat posed by Iraq will fail. Military action, if required, may meet with quick success in Iraq, but a peaceful, democratic Iraq won't evolve overnight. It will take the active support of both parties in Congress over the long term if we are going to win the peace. That's only going to happen if we act, not as Democrats or as Republicans, but as Americans."

Click here to read the complete op-ed.

House Republicans Have Failed
to Protect Workers' Pensions

Leader Gephardt said, Republicans have offered "meaningless, nonsense gibberish when we ought to be dealing with the American people’s important problems." Gephardt: "Where is the pension legislation? Where is the minimum wage legislation? Where is the education legislation? Where is the prescription drug legislation? Where is the health care and Medicare buttressing legislation? It’s nowhere."

Click here to read his statement.

Leader Gephardt's website also unveiled a new Flash movie on Democrats’ fight to protect pensions for all Americans. Click here to watch it (requires Flash Player).

The Leader's Daily News

For more news from Leader Gephardt, click here for The Leader's Daily News, a daily news briefing from Leader Gephardt's website

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