On 19 Nov 2002 at 15:45, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Mikey: I would suggest tangling with Chomsky for a bit. Start
> with...
> http://zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=2
> 312

Chomsky is a liar.  His citations are mostly fraudulent, and he
has at one time or another defended every bloodthirsty tyranny,
every reign of terror, with the possible exception of North

His words sound bombastic, yet they equivocate, pointing in two
directions at once.  This is the text equivalent of someone who
talks loud and very fast while unable to meet your eye.

I recommend you check out my Chomsky web page:

"Chomsky lies"  http://www.jim.com/Chomsdis.htm

         James A. Donald

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