> Mike Diehl[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote
     [Mike wrote: No, I think the Muslims need to back down, or be forced
to. ]

"[Muslims] Have been at war against the Israelies [sic] since Bible times"??

Mike, I hate to break it to you, but Muslims did not exist before
612 AD, when Mohammed received a vision of the Archangel

The Jews largely abandoned Israel after the *Roman* supression
of the revolt of 70 AD, over 500 years before the Muslims came along.
The Koran (unlike the Bible) specifically instructs Muslims to
respect other religions (though, like Christians, not all Muslims have
lived up to their creed), and Diasporic Jews generally 
had an easier time in Muslim countries than in Christian ones.

Only since the creation of the modern state of Israel in Palestine
have Jews faced widespread oppression (much less war) in 
Muslim countries.

>      >        Mike, don't take this personally, but I get the
>      >        feeling that you're very young, or have very
>      >        little exposure to life outside the US, or both.
>      >        It's hard to think of other reasons for your
>      >        lack of perspective - 
> Why, because I've come to different conclusions than you?  Has it ever 
> occured to you that maybe your opinions are colored by what you think of
> our 
> government and that the may not be completely rational?  I often find it 
> humorous that when people disagree with me, they many times resort to 
> name-calling, emotional appeals, or simply patronizing me, as you have.
You don't deny either of my surmises about your experience or lack thereof. 

While I certainly disagree with many of your positions, your lack of
of ME history is the main problem. You don't seem able to visualize how
the US looks from the outside, and how people in other countries feel
compelled to react. Understanding your opponent is a powerful tool; it
can be used both to find their weak points, and also to find peaceful, 
mutually agreeable solutions. This is the 'perspective' I refered to.  

I've been trying to resist descending to a spelling flame, but its part of
the problem. Your failure to use correct spelling makes you look 
uneducated, as does your ignorance of history. If that gets you 
patronized, you should not be suprised.

> Public Key via: http://dominion.dyndns.org/~mdiehl/mdiehl.asc
This is another little problem which makes you look foolish. Are you
aware that your entire website is password protected? No one can
get your PK, or see anything else you put on the site. It's kind of
useless as it stands.

Peter Trei

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