Major wrote:
> At 11:49 PM 11/24/02 +0100, Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
> >There is a huge concrete building, hardly any windows, occupying the
> whole block-width between Market and Mission streets in san 
> francisco, one side being 11th street. Funny thing is that it 
> has no markings at all. The main entrance seems to be at 14xx 
> Market, with visible security.
> >
> >Any clues appreciated.
> Telco central office.  Lots of copper loop I/O, and a big 
> switch.  Used to be mechanical crossbars.  Probably a diesel 
> generator somewhere.

A reasonable guess, but wrong. The building is a computing and
processing center for Bank of America. That's where your checks go after
you deposit them at the bank.

The CO for this area is a few blocks away on Mc Coppin. The brick
building with the Pac Bell logo on it. You can see the frame through the
windows. Yes, this CO has been around for long enough to have windows.

--Lucky Green

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