On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Tim May wrote:

> [At least 4-5 of Hettinga's e$/digibucks/qwatloos chat lists elided
> from this distribution....instead of creating so many lists, ... well,
> it's obvious what the "instead of" ought to be.]
> On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 06:17  PM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> > OK, suppose we've got a bank that issues bearer "money".
> >
> "Money" is too broad a term, encompassing bullion, giant stones, coins,
> chop marks, scrip, IOUs, checks (of several kinds), warehouse receipts,
> markers, seashells, wire transfers, SWIFT orders, diamonds, bonds (of
> several kinds), casino chips,  promissory notes, etc.
> If a Swiss bank, the pre-eunuch form, took in other forms of money and
> gave one a number or a passbook, this would be the bank issuing "bearer
> "money"".

Tim's comparison is flawed. A bank making loans is not the same as a Swiss
numbered account where they were taking in money or goods and renting

If you wanted a loan from a Swiss bank you still needed ID so they could
chase you down if you didn't pay the loan back.


    We don't see things as they are,                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    we see them as we are.                                   www.ssz.com
                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Anais Nin                                         www.open-forge.org


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