So we rebel against the idea that rebellion is only for men,that must be said at the start.Now we strike problems with the idea of race.That it is to Europe the world should look after disgracing itself so badly.
Why not America? They don't have rebels over there? What was Camus's role in Algerian revolt? As it happens,his was a decent response that was totally ineffectual.It hasn't stopped bourgeois humanitarian politicians making fools of themselves in polarized situations ever since.Maybe that is one revolt I miss the point of.Anyway by now we have read,Manchild in the promised land,Soul on Ice and Soledad Brother and we suddenly remember that Mersault shot and killed an Arab on the beach that day the sun got in his eye.
Now over the years and thanks in large part to Camus,we choose Anarchism over the democratic socialist tradition we were raised in and the Marxist,'leap of faith'we are offered in our wanderings.As anarchists dipping into the bible of rebellion what do we find?
Well a rather cavalier approach to Max Stirner actually.I refer those interested to the web where Alberts mistakes are dissected.Still we all make mistakes and two out three aren't bad.Except actually there may be three because since 9-11 something else has come up.See in spite of perhaps most of the hijackers not knowing what was to happen to them,at least some of these new assassins did.What are the formulas according to the master again? Pacifism is wrong because it approves diffuse violence and continuing injustice.Murder in the name of any absolute value is wrong and nihilistic yet murder followed by self sacrifice,gives rise to the informal value that Camus builds his book on.The rebel may be driven to violence by extreme circumstances and kill as long as they accept that they will be killed in turn.There is a kind of just judges approach to the problem and Camus certainly is preoccupied with justice,see 'La Chute'(the fall)The Camus approach might be said to have been formed during his time in the resistance and its a little dissappointing that theory,(in the rebel) overwhelms lessons that could have been referred to in combat.There is a curious ahirstorical side to Camus even as he works up to his elbows in the guts of hirstory.

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