Toward the end of the rebel,the metaphysical logical deriver of revolutionary principals from practise suddenly becomes a carver of commandments.Absolute free speech and no indefinite imprisonment are worthy and laudable but they seem to spring out of Alberts,(Athena's ?)head.
They contradict the rest of the book that argues in the most minute detail against deriving any absolute values from revolt.There might just be some sense of desperation here as he has painted himself,(and us)into a very dark corner.
Getting back to 9-11 for a minute,when we apply the logic on offer in the rebel to the hijackers whose real generosity gives all to the present,what do we get? Quite logically we get a picture of one person somewhere with the power to destroy the planet.And why shouldn't they if they pay with their own life as well.The nihilists Camus approves of are now arming themselves with the means to take us all with them and according to the formula of the rebel,this will give rise to a value?
Camus does mention atomic suicide in the rebel and most of it is taken up with his battle with nihilism,with murder and suicide.He does argue for limits and against absolutes but is this argument effective?
It is a contradiction kept in tension,created and mastered by intelligence according to Camus.It is 21st century schizoid man with a splitting headache according to matt the revisionist who is finally letting go of the one who promised so much and finally delivered so little.Adieu old friend,for fifty years you have been my guide yet we have to strike on for the summit unroped in gathering storm.I will try and bring something back for you.Sleep well for you did well,our clear eyed friend,we won't forget you.

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