US dumps GM corn on Australia

On Thursday freight ship the 'Ocean Emporer', carrying 48,000 tonnes of gentically modified corn, docked at Port of Brisbane. Because of US policy fo mixing grains and non-labelling, the corn most definitely included the infamous Aventis Starlink (tm) corn and possibly other varieties of GM corn. Starlink has been linked with human allergic reactions and prohibited for human consumption in the US. It may also be connected to the decline of Monarch butterflies in the US. Starlink corn has not been approved in Australia. [read article here]
The corn is destined for chicken feed in Queensland, NSW & Victoria, however, many countries that import Australian animal products also reject GMO fed animal products due to fears over the saftey of the technology and widespread consumer disapproval. Studies in the US indicate that breeding sows fail to conceive when fed GE corn. Meat fed GMO's does not require labelling in Australia.
In Australia 93% of consumers surveyed want GMOs labelled while 68% reject them outright.
This incident is part of a world-wide push by Biotech companies, suffering market rejection, to force their products upon unsuspecting consumers. Contamination of grain meant for both human and animal consumption has been occrurring regularly, including Starlink Bt corn being found in food aid. Farmers are finding it impossible not to use GM crops in the US where biotech giants are increasingly prosecuting them for accidental cross-pollination of their crops with nearby patented varieties.
Check out Aventis track record at Corporate Watch:

[ GeneEthics Network | Union of Concerned Scientists | AQIS ]

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