Posted: 6:07pm AEDT
ACT winds change direction, pick up strength
The winds are now picking up strength in Canberra, where residents in the north-western suburbs of Holt and McGregor are on high fire alert.
Monday is predicted to be hellish with over 40c temps and high,hot winds.
NSW residents advised to remain on fire alert
A fire south-west of Yass in New South Wales continues to burn. The fire has burnt out 15-thousand acres of land in the area but is now contained.
Vic fires fanned by intensifying winds
Winds have intensified in Victoria's north-east, fanning fires which have aready burnt 65,000 hectares of bushland. Fires south of Corryong on the New South Wales border have crossed the Murray River and joined fires burning in the south of Kozicusko National Park to form a blaze of about 20,000 hectares.

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