On Sunday, 2 de February de 2003 01:45, you wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Shaddack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Harmon Seaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 4:42 PM
> Subject:  Re: Shuttle Diplomacy
> [snip conspiracy theory]
> > Especially in this case, I'd bet my shoes on Murphy; Columbia was an old
> > lady that had her problems even before the launch itself. I'd bet on
> > something stupid, like loosened tiles or computer malfunction (though
> > more likely the tiles, as the computers are backed up). Remember
> > Challenger, where the fault was a stupid O-ring.
> One of the current theories floating around has to do with a piece of
> debris that flew off the booster rocket during take-off and collided with
> the left wing (where the problems began). The video of the take-off was
> reviewed in great detail and it was determined that it was innocent,
> considering the proximity of the problems and the debris there appears to
> be at least something worth investigating.
>                 Joe

You betcha!! If more than a few tiles separated the plasma (much ionized 
oxigen) would interact with the aluminium of the shuttle structure and as 
aluminium has a high oxidation value an explosion would ensue... (Think 
termite...)  <--- just a personal theory

My question is other thou...

Several years ago, some tiles got off the shuttle during liftoff. Being 
afraid of the condition of space shuttle a Keyhole spy satelite was used to 
examine the bottom of the space shuttle...

Why hell in a mission with more than 10 days in space, they didn't do it 
again?  The KH satellites too busy???

Only if there is a desperate search for saddam hussein's weapons of mass 
destruction or Osama Bin Laden... and there was no need to bug those people 
on the reconaissance office...



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