The Age try to cover the police commissioners arse.
by profrv@(nospam) 5:00pm Tue Feb 18 '03 article#42484

Mondays argus had a story on 50 corrupt coppers and todays editorial pontificates about that story.They also had a feedback section on their website.

As it came out on a Monday instead of being buried on a friday Herald Scum,I thought,hello,the games afoot! They are planning another 'save the dirty filthy Yarra type,campaign."
A series of disturbing and graphic reports of shocking corrupt abuse of power by so called public servants leading to the pompous snobs at the Argus calling for a Royal Commission.
Well it all got wrapped up in todays editorial toot fuckin' sweet,"nothing to see here,move along." The only sign of some encouragement in the fact that someone (Nic Conte?) seems to have been watching 'Stingers' and the ethical squad set up a light fingered traffic cop with vidoe surveillance.However the major issue de jour is left hanging.That is the situation where insane drug laws garentee a steady supply of bent dicks,so many that the commissioner was forced to split the drug squad in two.(Ceja)She is unable to sack the dirty apples for fear of a thuggish union heavy called Paul Mullet.(Tony Abbott should do something this women threatening mongrel IMHO.The Ombudsmans office is tarnished by this never ending story of coorupt,violent,thieving lying,raping,childmolesting drunken P.I.G.S being absolved by him.WHO WATCHS THE WATCHER?
The present O/man has passed his useby date and I nominate a proven quality candidate to replace him.Ex-cop Karl Konrad.If he is unavailable Ray Hoser is a well known and liked expert wittness on the police and author of two highly respected books about them.
Persons Impersonating Public Servants.]

This borgeouis rag is falling down on the job but the net is taking up the slack and may bring a few outlaw P.I.G.S to justice yet.I promise you.

"If the police get in the way of our march, tangle with the blue-helmeted motherfuckers and kill them and send them to the morgue slab."

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