So far the anti-war movement has been very tame and dominated by liberal reformism (though the liberals are less influencial outside of North America, fortunetly). If the movement stays like this it will fail. There has never been a successfull anti-war movement which was not revolutionary. The only way this war can be stopped is to use direct action on a massive scale and to tackle the root cause - capitalism & the state. The recent breakaway marches on F15 is a good start, but we need to go further. Below are the results of some brainstorming I've done on changing the direct of the anti-war movement towards more effective tactics.
(1) Call our own mass demonstration. In the past ANSWER or the liberals would be the main organisers of these. Instead of waiting around for them to call a demonstration, and then following their lead, why don't we organize one ourselves? If we are the lead organisers then it will be easier to incorporate direct action and also make it more decentralized, non-hierarchical and fun.

(2) Dual anti-war/anti-"globalization" protests. Make a "summitt hoping" protest be both one of these mass rallies against the war and the "standard" summit protest. Both are two sides of the same coin, so why not call a protest against "war and corporate America". The upcoming meetings of the IMF in April could be a good time to do this.

(3) Setting up an ELF-style organisation to carry out sabotage against weapons production & military installations. A lot of weapons production is still done domestically and we can put a crimp in their plans if we do enough sabotage. This should probably also be an international organisation since foreign US bases & other military facilities would be good targets. There are already cells formed to carry out these actions (a few have already done so), all we really need is for someone to do the PR aspect of setting up a website, taking credit for attacks, etc.

(4) Target the media. Chuck0 has already been pushing this and I think he's right. On one of the listervs I'm on someone suggested we get a person(s) or affinity group to follow each newscrew around with signs saying things like "FOX is lying to you" so that every shot shows that message.

(5) Use the start of the (official) war to discredit the passive tactics mostly used so far. When the war starts it will be damning proof of the failure of such passivity and many of the less radical activists may be more receptive to more militant ideas.

(6) General Strike. Everyone goes on strike right after war (officially) starts. In the US it probably won't be possible to successfully pull off a general strike, but in the UK it could be done. This could potentially force Blair out of office.

(7) International Student walkout against the war. In every country participating in the war anti-war students should do a class walkout the day after the war begins. I've heard that there are already some schools preparing to do this, but it needs to be done everywhere. It might also be beneficial to try and network internationally between all the student groups doing this.

(8) In countries where most people oppose the war but the government supports it use that to deligitimize the government and push for it's overthrow. Such a situation clearly shows the failure of reprentative democracy. If the government opposes the war then push it to take actions which will harm the US empire - such as expelling all US bases from their country. If the majority can be rallied around such a cause and the government doesn't go along then use that to delegitimze the government and as further proof of the failure of representative systems. The anti-war movement can only succeed if it becomes a massive movement(s) for the overthrow of all pro-war regimes.


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