There are thousands of Osamas here
On Thursday February 27 at 8.30pm, Julie Nimmo talks to Aborigines who have converted to Islam. But this is not a small, disaffected group. They have risked vilification in order to embrace an Islamic way of life.

It appears that in Australia Islam is giving a voice to a once marginalised group. “Osama Bin Laden, I love you brother … to me he’s a spiritual warrior for Islam,” says Khalid, a forty-something Aboriginal man.

Khalid claims that there are thousands of embryonic Osama Bin Ladens. “Let it be known, there’s thousands of Osama Bin Ladens here and if they find Osama Bin Laden, another thousand will pop up. He’s just an activist for freedom, a Muslim standing up to fight against injustice.”

Many other Koori converts see Osama Bin Laden not as a terrorist but as their saviour. Twenty-three-year-old Solomon tells Julie Nimmo the way he sees it, Bin Laden is a hero because he has revived Islam in countries like Afghanistan and Somalia. Solomon can see a revolution brewing on the horizon. “Definitely it’s so clear to me and my Aboriginal mates. It’s as clear as day.”

Insight screens on SBS Television Thursdays at 8.30pm.
The host of this show asked three guests about assassinating Saddam tonite.They all agin it for some reason....against international law or summat.

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