President Bush announced tonight that he believes democracy can exist in Iraq and they can have a strong economy, a good health care plan and free and fair voting. Iraq? We can’t even get this in Florida.
There are reports that Bulgarian pimps have been moving "armies of prostitutes” across Europe to await the arrival of our U.S. troops. That’s more than the French are doing for us!
Doctors in India have performed the first penis transplant. What do you want to bet the guy used that as his excuse the first time he gets caught cheating, "Honey it’s not my fault. This thing is not even mine. The guy who had this was a pig. I don’t know what happened.”
Former President Clinton has canceled a trip to India at the request of the Secret Service because of security concerns. Imagine Clinton in India riding an elephant – that would have brought back some memories, huh?
REBELS? The Rolling Stones must be back in Australia. Pick up any newspaper, listen to any radio station, watch any television program and sooner or later youıll come across articles and items about the rebels in our midst. Rebels? The Stones rebels? It seems that those ageing journalists that are pedaling this dribble have fallen for the Stones well oiled spin machine. Although the Stones may be able to still put on a show, their show has nothing to do with rebellion. The Stones are first and foremost businessmen. They have been able to turn a profitable trick by trading on their rebel status. Their antics have nothing to do with rebellion and everything to do with creating a climate, which they can exploit to help their bottom line. Their music has as much revolutionary potential as Cliff Richardıs. At least with Cliff Richard you know what you are getting. If taking a few drugs, becoming a tax exile, singing at the top of your voice, strutting around the stage and chasing women was synonymous with rebellion, things would have changed long ago. The Stones trade on their rebel status, itıs an act, the lyrics they use have as much revolutionary potential as a packet of washing detergent. Rock was hijacked long ago by the corporate world. Its big business, it generates lots of filthy lucre (apologies to the Sex Pistols ­ reunion band) thatıs what itıs about. If this means you have to belt out a few lyrics which seem to promote rebellion, it doesnıt mean you have to believe in them. Anyone who still believes that the Stones are rebels, only has to look at what theyıve become and what theyıve done with the filthy lucre theyıve earned, to realise that the Stones are just another group of conservative wankers, thatıs why so many movers and shakers (they believe theyıre movers and shakers, I donıt), have flocked to their latest Australian tour.

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