HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT Poor old iron bar Tuckey, it seems the older he gets the more difficult it is for him to tolerate any opposition. As the Federal Minister for territories, he has responsibility for Norfolk Island. The folk on the island, many the descendants of the Bounty mutineers (men and women who were transferred from Pitcairn Island to Norfolk in the 1850's) have run into a little bit of trouble dealing with the minister. It seems he wants to make his mark on the islanders by unilaterally changing the relationship between them and the Commonwealth. As a territory, Norfolk Island has a great deal of autonomy. It has its own flag, national anthem, sends its own team to the Olympics and has its own elected assembly that has a great deal of power as far as local affairs are concerned. It seems that Iron Bar Tuckey is concerned that Norfolk Island is becoming an economic backwater and the government needs to pull out all stops to drag the two and a half thousand residents into the "real" world. Something Norfolk Islanders have been resisting for decades, believing quite rightly that their unique way of life will disappear if they embrace what is laughingly termed the real world. Tuckey and his department believe they have stumbled on the reason why investors are not willing to invest in the island. It seems that the government of the day can be loyally brought down by a citizen initiated referendum. If the local assembly decides to ignore the voters wishes and go off on their own tangent because Iron Bar and the boys and girls in the department are leaning on them, the people through a Citizen Initiated Referendum can dump the old assembly and elect a new assembly that reflects the will of the people. No wonder Iron Bar and the Howard government are concerned. If the mainlander's got hold of this idea, their tenure would be very limited. Imagine what could happen every time a government decided to divide its election promises into core and non-core promises, once elected into office. It wouldn't be a pretty sight. It wouldn't take long before a citizen initiated referendum was held and those governments that forget they are in power to serve the people, not rule them, would find themselves out of office. No wonder Howard and his cronies are so keen to reform the Norfolk Island local assembly.

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