On 8 Mar 2003 at 2:44, Anonymous wrote:
> But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery 
> store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now 
> assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only 
> those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation
> to George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter
> their property to shop for groceries.

The difference between private property owners doing this, and
the governemnt doing this is that 100% of private property
owners are NOT going to agree on anything.

The "100%" assumption presupposes that "the capitalists" are
like the state, a single entity with a single will, in which
case it is obvious that simply replacing the will of "the
capitalists" with the will of "the people" would be a vast
improvement, rather than slavery terror and mass murder. 

         James A. Donald

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