On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:15:52 -0800, you wrote:
> On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 06:21 AM, An Metet wrote:
> I've been hearing liberals bleat about the actions of the cops and
> mall security.
> "Their civil rights were violated!"
> "They have free speech!"
> "The mall is a public accomodation!"
> "Property rights don't trump personal rights!"
> These fuckards really need to learn what private property is.
> "The Net was partly financed by taxpayers, therefore the government has the right to 
> stop hate speech on the Net and force encryption keys to be escrowed."

You are kidding, right? You actually do know, right, that if the 
mall was fully owned and totally operated by the state, they'd 
either have to prohibit all political messages on T-shirts, or 
none, right?

> "Roads are paid for by the public, so searches of vehicles are permitted."

Where did you get that? Did your tin foil hat fall off again?

> "Magazines are delivered using trucks which travel on government-financed roads and 
> over government-built bridges. This makes is legal for government to have a say in 
> what these magazines print."

That clackity clack sound is your train running off the tracks.

> "Homeowners get various subsidies from government, therefore their houses are 
> subject to inspection by government."

No, they are subject to inspection under building codes during 
construction whether you get a subsidy or not.

> The confusion by many of the recent posters here shows why statism has taken such a 
> foothold in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere.

Up the meds, Tim.

> --Tim May

Whose motto should be "So little time, so many windmills".

> Join the boycott against Delta Airlines for their support of the Big Brotherish 
> "CAPPS II" citizen-unit tracking program.
> http://www.boycottdelta.org
> http://boycottdelta.org/images/deltaeyebanner.gif
> With our help, Delta Airlines may be joining United and US Air in the
> bankruptcy scrap heap.

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