"If I build the mugger's little
helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit."

Nice! Possibly, it might not even be necessary for the "Little Helper" to read the tag, only detect its presence. Counterfeit bags probably won't have the tag, and if they do (and the copies are good enough), the mugger won't care.

I'm also wondering about sending a fake tag signal to the Benneton detector. How many fake tags could a cleverly designed gizmo shoot out at the detector, and in how much time? If a signal indicating 100s of items are passing through hits that detector a couple of times a day for a week or so, they'll definitely take it off line. (And I'd doubt they use any crypto or authentication-type coding on those tags...do they?)


Brinworld my ass!

From: Adam Shostack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Brinwear at Benetton.
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:51:03 -0500

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:22:14AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
| Some research is being done in RSA Labs to produce more
| privacy-enhanced protocols for RFIDs, but it's a long way from
| publication, and its unclear what would motivate a tag manufacturer
| to include them.

The biggest motivators I can see are law and liability.  If you can
make the case to Europe's data protection commissioners that these
tags will be linked to individual information, and can then be used to
track people, then perhaps the tags will include privacy tech of some
sort.  (Although Ari presented at FC this year, and pointed out just
how few gates there are to work with.)

The other motivator is liability.  If I build the mugger's little
helper, a PDA attachement that scans for real prada bags, then perhaps
the RFID tag will be removed at the counter after the first lawsuit.

(Naturally, we'll sell the mugger's little helper as a tool for
undercover counterfeit investigations.  We can't help that the street
finds its own uses for things.)


-- "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once." -Hume

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