On 11 Mar 2003 at 9:35, Tyler Durden wrote:
> "Does it mean that such observations are invalid just because 
> Marx predicted them?"

Marx was both untruthful, and spectacularly in error.

If commies actually believed what they said, if they still 
believed the prophecies, then they would still be working at 
labor organization, rather than at conspiracy.

Ever since Lenin, a core principle of communism has been to 
know the truth, and to lie about it.  Lying is to communism, as 
prayer is to Christianity.  The shared lie provides the 
solidarity and cohesion, the sense of identity, that shared 
prayer does to Christians.  Every lie provides a bond of 
conspiracy.  Trotskyists take this principal to bizarre 
extremes.  Stalinist lying is analogous to the old Catholic 
mass, where the priest speaks and the masses say amen, whereas 
Trotskyist lying is analogous to the prayer of the 
charismatics, where the congregation prays in tongues, rolls on
the floor and has fits. The Trotskyists demand greater personal
involvement and investment in lying, whereas the Stalinists
merely expect the faithful to display solemn credulity. 

         James A. Donald

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