Sky news is reporting terrorists just attacked the remainder of the 101st Airborne still in Kuwait and wounded ten. The two suspects used the same "grenade in the tent" technique as D.C. sniper John Muhammad used during the last Gulf War in 1991:

The story, according to Berentson and at least two other former members of the 84th [Engineer Company], was that Muhammad threw a thermite grenade into a tent housing 16 of his fellow soldiers [encamped on the Iraq border].

Thermite grenades - made of finely granulated aluminum mixed with a metal oxide, and blasting heat up to 1,200 degrees - are used to destroy equipment during battle. The attack could easily have killed or maimed, but all 16 in the tent, some coughing and choking, escaped unharmed.

Today's terrorists probably used normal frag grenades though. Due to the tight security it looks like it's probably an inside job. Not necessarily another traitorous John Muhammed.

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