Subject: [syndicalists] Operation Dark Angel

> On April 5th is an important day for anarchist across the world to
> participate in. Under the cover of dark, Operation Dark Angel will take
> place. As you know, we're at war now, which I do NOT agree with! That is
> why
> Operation Dark Angel is underway.
> For the next couple of weeks, look out for flagpoles and if pulling down
> the
> flag is accessible to you. If so, keep those flagpoles in mind. On April
> 5th,
> during the night, go to those flagpoles and take the flags down. Unstring
> the
> flag from the pole and flip the flag UPSIDE down and run it back up the
> flagpole. If you want, use your handy duct tape that Homeland security has
> advised us to buy and tape a Anarchy sign on it. Remember, DO THIS IN THE
> NIGHT! Hopefully this event will take place countrywide and you'll
> participate in Operation Dark Angel. Also if you want, print out anti-war
> posters and leave them taped to the flagpole. If you have any more
> questions,
> please e-mail me or check out my website at:
> Also, send this e-mail to everyone you know! Also, send a report of other
> doings and/or take pictures of your Operation Dark Angel and I'll gladly
> put
> it on my site!
> =====
> Rise like Lions after slumber
> In unvanquishable number -
> Shake your chains to earth like dew
> Which in sleep had fallen on you -
> Ye are many - they are few.
> - Percy Shelley

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