>From the Desktop of: 
Chief Alfred Leleji
Dear Sir, 
Confidential Business Proposal
I am Chief Alfred Leleji, the commissioner of the Nigerian Tourism Development 
Corporation[NTDC] an affiliate of the Federal Ministry Of Culture and Tourism. In the 
year 2001 huge sum of money running into millions of United States Dollars was 
budgeted by my government for the successful hosting of the Miss world beauty pageant 
for the year 2002, which eventually was shifted to London owing to the religious 
unrest in Abuja, Nigeria where the contest was initially bill to take 
place.However,before the shift, Cross River State Nigeria hosted, the 92 beauty queen 
during the first stage of the competition. Miss Turkey was eventually crowned the 
Winner in London. However, in my capacity as the Commisioner of the Nigeria Tourism 
Development Corporation, and a member of both local organizing committee (LOC) , my 
colleagues and I in sensitive positions were able to influence the award of the 
contract, for the supply and installation of some of the equipment that where suppose 
to hav!
 e been used for the contest. The contractor who handled these projects agreed to give 
us 10% of the total contract sum, if we were able to influence the award of the 
contract in their favour. Other foreign firms bided for this same contract, but we 
were able to influence the board to award the contract to the firm we had this 
agreement with. This contract was successfully executed by the firm ,and they have 
been paid 90% of their total contract sum, remaining the balance of 10% which we never 
wanted them to collect on our behalf because of the fear that they might not fulfil 
their promise. It is pertinent to note that, the remaining balance of Eight 
million,seven hundred thousand united states dollars (US$8,700,000.00) is lying in the 
suspense account of the First Chartered Bank Lagos, ready for transfer into an oversea 
account. I have been unanimously mandated to seek for an honest and trustworthy 
foreign partner who will assist in ensuring the successful transfer of the a
bove sum of money into his Personal/Company account since the Nigerian Code of Conduct 
Bureau does not permit us to operate a foreign account as public servants. On the 
successful remittance of the fund (US$8,700,000.00) into your nominated account, for 
your kind assistance you will be adequately compensated. Be rest assured that, the 
modalities and logistics towards the successful transfer of this fund have been worked 
out. All we require from you is your cooperation. This transaction is 100% risk free. 
We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of secrecy it deserves. Your 
swift response will be highly appreciated and kindly provide your phone and fax number 
for further information. Upon your acknowledgement of this proposal, I will forward to 
you the detailed procedure for this transaction. Note that, this transaction is legal 
and free from all sorts of risk and trouble. It does not contravene the laws of my 
country nor any International laws; hence the whole !
 approval for the transfer will be official and legally processed. This transaction 
will be concluded within five (5) working days if we follow it up and give the serious 
attention it deserves. Awaiting your prompt response.
Best regards,
Chief Alfred Leleji. 

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