Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Hrmmm...  radioactive waste?  What's that?  Oh yeah, the stuff with a
> half-life of a billion or so years."
> We could start nuking garbage dumps that are already full to make space for 
> new garbage (eg, Staten Island). Radiation won't be a problem compared to 
> the other toxins that have already seeped into the ground, and besides--who 
> cares?--its already a garbage dump.

Actually, I was thinking quite the opposite.  Scrap these hundred thousand
dollar bombs.  Have the American bombers load up their hangars from American
landfills, and just cover Iraq in trash.  Voila.  Save the money for
education and health care, get rid of your trash problem, and cause enough
trouble in Iraq to keep them off the radar for years to come.

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