Major Variola (ret.) wrote:

> Administration Calls for Unprecedented Subpoena Powers
> story?coll=la-home-todays-times
> Unlike in ordinary criminal investigations, Ashcroft would not need the
> approval of a grand jury or a judge to order witnesses to appear for
> questioning.
> "The attendance of witnesses and the production of records may be
> required from any place in any state or in any territory or other place
> subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at any designated place
> of hearing," the administration's bill says.
> ...
> The bill includes a "nondisclosure requirement" as well. "If the
> Attorney General certifies [there] may result a danger to the national
> security, no person shall disclose to any other person that a subpoena
> was received or records were provided," it says.
> Grand juries operate in secret as well. And though they are often seen
> as a rubber stamp for the government, Cole said the mere presence of the
> jurors restrains prosecutors. "There is a real difference when a
> prosecutor knows 23 citizens are there observing what's going on," he
> said
> ...
> The administration proposal was introduced in the House last week by
> Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.).
> Hmm, other Rep.tiles from Fla get turned into boots.  And they're not
> even raping
> the constitution.


The tee-shirt is mostly methane now.

Peter Fairbrother

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