On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 01:26, Tim May wrote:
> > Have you done this since 9/11?  I know that in my [red]neck of the  
> > woods, I
> > would without question be spending a few days in the system for this.
> That's what sniper rifles with low light scopes are for: kill one or  
> both or all of the cops who arrested you in this way. Cops who abuse  
> the criminal system and violate constitutional rights blatantly have  
> earned killing.

This has probably been mentioned here before, but another interesting
approach is what justicefiles.org used to do (I'm not sure what
the status of the site is, it seems to be down now). 

They collected the names of police officers (particularly ones
known to be abusive of their authority) in King County, WA and
published that + all public information they could find on them
(including SSN's, addresses, phone numbers, etc).  

Of course the police tried to take the site down but the court
upheld the site's right to publish any publicly available 
information about the cops (I believe they excepted the SSN's).


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