Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! 
Our Company invites you to mutually advantageous cooperation.
We are the versatile Company. For the prompt realization of 
your production in the world markets we offer you the followings: 
1.Advertising of your production among billion Internet users,
both the companies, and private persons. 
2.Daily dispatch of your advertising to necessary 
3.Additional we can offer your consulting services in the field
of investments in economy Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan now is one of the most advanced republics among the 
former Soviet Union. Azerbaijan as a whole, and city of Baku in 
particular has the big economic potential, is completely safe for 
investments. Therefore the USA, Europe and Asia largest companies 
with a world name have the representations in our country. 
Azerbaijan is rich both the bowels, and an environment. Nine 
climatic zones from eleven existing in the world here are submitted. 
Azerbaijan has the big prospects in the field of tourism. Our 
Company is ready render you the necessary help for achievement of 
success in Azerbaijan. If something will interest your in our message 
we ask to write on e-mail address:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank your very much for attention. In any case, if you will cooperate
whether with us or not, we wish you the big successes in your affairs. 
With the best regards, 
Vugar Mamedov,
Phone/fax: (99412) 98-10-02 

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